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Japan survivor of both atomic bombs dies, aged 93

"The only person officially recognised as having survived both atomic bombings in Japan at the end of World War II has died from stomach cancer, aged 93."

Category: Radiation, Weapons


Scottish renewable energy: The power, glory and controversy

"The big question is: How can Scotland cash in on its good fortune?"

Category: Energy sources


Sun, wind and wave-powered: Europe unites to build renewable energy 'supergrid'

"It would connect turbines off... ...Scotland with Germany's... panels, and... ...waves crashing on to the Belgian and Danish coasts with the hydro-electric dams nestled in Norway's fjords: Europe's first electricity...


Gordon Brown to launch £100bn wind energy programme

"Gordon Brown will this week launch a £100bn programme to build thousands of offshore wind turbines that could power most of Britain's households during strong winds and are crucial to meeting the country's renewable targets."

Category: Energy sources


Russia's Armageddon plan to save Earth from collision with asteroid

"The head of the Russian space agency said today that it was considering a Hollywood-style mission to send a spacecraft to bump a large asteroid from a possible collision course with Earth."

Category: Space

Displaying results 806 to 810 out of 2977